5 Areas to Motivate Employees to Grow
5 Areas to Motivate Employees to Grow

Human Resource Challenges for 2013
Thriving organizations don't rely solely on adaptive and agile manager leaders. They also need employees who are willing to adapt with increasing fluidity to 21st century business demands.

The list of needs below is based on work with my clients and their employees. It's also influenced by trends in society and the economy.

One thing is certain: employees have as much flexing to do as their managers. Neither group can succeed without the other.

Willingness to Trust
Yes, business life has been rough. Yes, some managers have been or always have been ineffective, unethical, or self-centered. Employees must learn to extend or accept the olive branch to move beyond trust-breaking events.

Key Growth Area: Address with the appropriate person how their actions betrayed trust. Develop a plan to move forward. Forgive.

Take Initiative
The complexities of business problems require employees to step up to identify solutions without prompting. Going one step further, taking initiative also means identifying a problem that needs a solution. Employees can't wait for managers to identify a problem needing attention.

Key Growth Area: Stop waiting for an invitation to do great work or share ideas.

Neutralize Drama
Certainly energy vampires are on every team throughout the organization. Such employees distract from creating and shipping work that matters. Develop the discipline to redirect conversations that uphold the status quo and idolize problems.

Key Growth Area: Resolve problems with the person involved directly. Quit unnecessarily involving others through complaining or gossiping.

Increase Self-Awareness
In a global, diverse workforce, our behaviors and words are under greater scrutiny for understanding. Employees must learn to better monitor their biases, the influence on their emotions, and business outcomes.

Key Growth Area: Learn how to manage and recover from when your emotions negatively affect relationships and outcomes.

Adaptive Communication Skills
With the arrival of social technology, how we communicate is more complex and more convenient. The complexities and conveniences lead to excessively simplified or complex communications often through inappropriate channels: email when face to face is best; tone and brevity are mismatched for communication channel. Employees must learn to identify the best communication skills for efficiency and maximum impact.

Key Growth Area: Match the desired business outcome to the communication channel. We all are overwhelmed with too much information. Stand out by effectively selecting the best way to communicate to get work done.

The workplace and job market is already fiercely competitive. It will only intensify as employers continue to be ultra-selective in their hiring decisions. The five areas featured are marks of an employee willing to do good work, own their development and mistakes. Furthermore, the goodwill developed from demonstrating skills in any of the five areas will reverberate beyond the current employer.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Modesto